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Lies REALTORs tell

Another pet peeve post.
Real estate agents & companies that routinely lie and mislead in their printed materials.
Back about 13 years ago when Michigan real estate agents became obligated to tell consumers who they were working for, one large local company put "Working in Your Best Interest" in their letterhead. The problem was, it was a lie much of the time. Unless they had a written agreement with a buyer the company was not working in the buyer's best interest. Much of the time when they had an agreement with the buyer they turned to dual agency so the statement was still untrue.
Now we have a local company who uses TheHomeBuyersRealty.Com as their name. But who do they work for? Sellers. Right now they have a West side listing that is priced about 10+ percent over market. Sure not helping the buyers on that effort!

First we have lies about property, then lies on the letterhead, now lies in the company name. No wonder the public's perception of real estate agents and companies is so bad!

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